Haus of Codec is currently full.
If you are seeking housing services, please complete our Waitlist Survey by Clicking Here and a member of Haus of Codec will reach out as soon as a bed is available.
What can you do to help? The Approximate cost per resident is $800 per month. Help us raise $5,600 this month. You can Donate Here

Our Stories.

Housing at Haus of Codec
If you are seeking housing services, please complete our Waitlist Survey by Clicking Here and a member of Haus of Codec will reach out as soon as a bed is available.
Upcoming Events.
Haus of Codec hosts monthly LGBTQQIA+ Artisan Marketplaces and Resource Fairs in Providence Rhode Island from May - October and Several Holiday Markets in December.
Sponsorship Opportunity
Haus of Codec has multiple Sponsorship opportunities to support our mission of ending youth homelessness.
Become a Patreon of Haus of Codec
Purchase An Item from Our Amazon Wish List
Haus of Codec has needs on our Amazon Wish List
News + Updates
Nonprofit’s board of directors expands to meet growing homelessness among Rhode Island’s young adult population.