Get Involved
Thank you for your interest in learning more about the volunteer opportunities at Haus of Codec! Haus of Codec views volunteers as essential to supporting our work.
To get Started
Review the opportunities listed below
Complete an application.
Attend a 90-minute New Volunteer Orientation. Orientations are held quarterly and are currently in person. Please complete the volunteer application linked underneath your desired position and expect to hear from our volunteer coordinator within two weeks of submitting your application.
Types of orientations:
Haus Volunteer and Multiple Capacities: roughly 90 minutes of sitting with the volunteer coordinator, executive director, and development director. We will review shift duties, confidentiality, Haus of Codec standards, and more!
Workshop Facilitator: Meet with the volunteer coordinator and executive director to discuss details of the workshop and the logistics of implementing the said workshop. These happen as they are needed.
Orientation date(s) to be scheduled.
Volunteer Opportunities
This 18+ position is designed to be self-starter and staff-support with every shift being from 6-10pm, once a week. During the shift you will be with our youth to assist them with day to day various activities. This involves an extensive application process with a more in depth volunteer experience.
This 18+ position is a less in depth volunteer experience with only being involved in helping at our events. These shifts fluctuate from month to month and can last up to 6-12 hours. When helping, expect to always be on your feet to help set up/breakdown and fulfill various tasks as they are needed throughout the day.
Multiple Capacities
This 18+ position involves helping out at our transitional home and any events that you are able to help with. This position considers the person to be a Haus volunteer so the process and expectations are relatively the same.
This application is the same as the Haus Volunteer application.
Facilitate a Workshop
This 18+ position is to facilitate an interactive workshop for our residents either in our space or outside of our house. Topics should generally fall under at least one of these: Relationships, Education, Financial, Legal, Health & Wellbeing, Safety, Nutrition, Technology skills, and/or creative skills.